The Sheila Clarke Nurse Recognition Travel Bursary award is in memory of our past president Sheila Clarke, who was one of the pioneers in developing cancer nursing as a specialty in Ireland. Her legacy is extensive and the IANO acknowledge this with a recognition travel bursary award in her memory. The Sheila Clarke NRA is awarded to a staff nurse in recognition of his or her contribution to cancer care. This award is granted by the IANO to a staff nurse (nominee) who is caring for patients with cancer working in a clinical setting. The nominee must be a member of the IANO.

The nomination must come from colleague or senior nurse (nominator) who recognises the nominee for their dedicated work which has had a positive impact in the clinical environment and on the lives of patients. This could be based on evidence from clinical audit and/or innovative changes to clinical practice, evidence of leadership, mentorship as well as dedication to patient care which results in improved patient outcomes. The contribution of the staff nurse can be part of a larger practice project / audit / innovation / change. The nominator does not have to be a member of the IANO.

Purpose: The IANO Sheila Clarke Nurse Recognition Bursary is an opportunity for an IANO member, who is a staff nurse, to receive an education travel bursary so that he/ she can further develop his/her professional practice and expertise in cancer nursing.

What it funds: The travel bursary will fund the nominated winner of the Sheila Clarke Nurse Recognition Bursary to attend an International Cancer Care conference, workshop, or short education course. The bursary will be to the maximum value of €2,000, to include registration, flights, travel, and accommodation. The IANO Treasurer will liaise with the winner to facilitate award costs. All receipts must be submitted by the winner to the IANO treasurer. The bursary must be used within 1 year of the award.

Who should submit nominees: A fellow colleague, a nurse manager, CNS, ANP, ADON, DON may nominate a nominee. The nominator does not need to be an IANO member.

The winner of the Bursary must submit to the IANO a brief feedback summary of their experience on how they benefited from the bursary. This will be published in the IANO quarterly newsletter.

Please refer to the IANO Sheila Clarke Recognition Award Information Sheet before submitting application of nominee.